How long have you and your hair known each other?
Pretty much all of my life. There's that awkward middle period when you don't talk to each other but after that, it's been a pretty solid brothership.
What's the best part about having long hair?
Girls love to ask me about it and touch it—tell me they're jealous of my curls. It requires no talent on my part. Random people talking to you and touching you...and of course head banging ability.
Does having awesome hair make you a better guitar player?
Absolutely. I think the correlation between hair length and ability to rock has been proven throughout rock history.
Is it possible that your hair has any super powers?
I haven't noticed any yet. However, I think we'd have to cut it to find out. It's possible-- If I cut it, I'd fear spiraling into depression...
Do you have any words of wisdom for other power mane seekers on their journey?
For the fellas I'd say, getting past that awkward medium length where you have doubts and cut it off, you'll never reaching your full mane potential.
The moral of the story is to never give up?
Never give up.
That's beautiful.
Pro Tip: Investing in a good conditioner and pony-holders, as well as the Will to Succeed are essential to cultivating a worthy power mane.
get cut. look good.
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